Tuesday, January 17, 2017


This post is a text message reply to my best friend regarding a discussion we had previously had that day about time, numbers and beliefs. Wish I had all of our old text messages.. Anyone know someone in our gov that can help me get copies of all our old conversations? Hahaha (but seriously if you can)..

Words get in my way so much sometimes. But I gotta try. I kept re-reading my last text and had to rewrite it to clarify.

Time - it is all we've really got. Tonight I discovered that time is unity. In math, unity equals 1. The weird part is that without unity, there is no time. All you have then is 0. The genius who figured out how to make a computer understood the foundation of everything rests on 1. Where there is nothing, you have nothing, and 0 represents this. It is the circle of space that surrounds every something, so even within that 0, 1 it is accounted for. That means unity is all we really have; it ALL boils down to 1.

Like you said earlier, 9 represents both, as it is a 0 bound to a 1. It represents the reality that something cant exist without nothing, and nothing can exist without something. That probably makes little sense, if any at all, to most, but it makes complete sense to me!! It explains why there is binary embedded in the equations of the universe as much as why I haven't learned the lesson of happiness that Ive have been stuck on for years now. I have been waiting my whole life for people, things, and opportunities, instead of living it. This is very bad, because time is what life is made of, and to waste it is to waste the most preciuos gift we will ever be given. But NOW is the time for that to change. Now is all we really ever have, but we have to be present in the now to fully live in it.

What really blew my mind tonight is that I realized what you said is absolutely true: there are no numbers. There are no letters. 1 plus 1 does not equal 2. It only does because we made it do so. We only have such things to bring the unfathomableness of the universe down to a human scale. But in the absence of such a scale, the only absolute truth is love. Think about this: the limit of x as x approaches infinity is 1. That, my friend, is the most basic derivative in calculus, and it is the fundamental concept on which calculus is built. Likewise, the limit of ANY number not bound to x is 0.

While proving both of the above equations would take no less than a page of algebraic manipulations, the answer is that simple. But what does it mean? I think it simply means that when all the blanks are filled in and everything in existence is accounted for, all you have in the end is 1. All the numbers we have invented to describe the universe will never amount to anything, because at infinity, they are bound to nothing. Look it up for yourself: the derivative of x always equals 1, and the derivative of a constant (which numbers, including 1 are defined as) always equals 0. Let that sink in for a while.. While you do, ponder what x is, and why it always is equal to unity. X marks the spot...

Happiness is our purpose, but the real question is: how do you find happiness? What exactly IS happiness? A feeling? A state of being? A state of wanting? Given that feelings and wants can decieve us, my guess is that those two can be eliminated. If all paths lead to the truth, your answer will probably be different from mine, but as long as it is rooted in truth, you will find it. If it is rooted in a lie, then pursuing it will lead you to heartache, despair, guilt, anxiety, shame, fear and pain. Or worse..

Love can only be pure when it is a choice, because love that is not rooted in a conscious choice is not love at all. It is lust, which is rooted in our primal instincts. Acting out of primal instincts means that your body is controlling you and not vice-versa. We have free will, which is a choice that only we can choose for ourselves. It is, in fact, the most important choice we will ever choose for ourselves. It is with this choice that we gain consciousness, and only in consciousness can our love become pure. Conversely, we return to a primal state when we stop making it a choice, and in turn, our primal state will lead us to everywhere but where we want to be. We then start to chase the things we think we want, til we get them and realize they arent what we thought they would be. But then again, when your body controls your mind, few things are what you think and believe them to be..
 Mainly because you dont think, just act. Beliefs then serve only to justify those actions. The more you are having to justify, the further from truth you will find yourself.

Whenever you find yourself in darkness, remember that we are never truly alone; love connects us all through space and time, against ALL odds. It is what allows us to beat the odds. It is what makes life possible. Love IS God, because God IS love, and to let love into your life, you dont need to do anything more than to be open to it. And the only way to be open to it is make it a choice. The moment you reject love and close yourself off from it - that IS hell. Hell is where there is no love, genuine love that is, and you dont have to be dead to experience it..

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